Disease models and mechanisms impact factor 2015 download

Journal citation reports clarivate analytics, 2019. A coronavirus hcov19 has caused the novel coronavirus disease covid19 outbreak in wuhan, china. Biochimica et biophysica acta molecular basis of disease journals. Engineering threedimensional microenvironments towards in. Acute respiratory distress syndrome ards survivors experience a high prevalence of cognitive impairment with concomitantly impaired functional status and quality of life, often persisting months after hospital discharge. Mutations in many fox genes are associated with human disease and, as such, various animal models have been generated to study the function of these transcription factors in mechanistic detail. Experimental models and tools to tackle glioblastoma. Biochimica et biophysica acta molecular basis of disease. The primary aim of dmm is to promote human health by inspiring collaboration between basic and clinical researchers in translational science. Together with intermittent fasting which can be regarded as a particular form of cr in which episodes of ad libitum feeding are alternated with episodes of up to zero caloric uptake, cr is the only known strategy to robustly improve health and lifespan in most, if not all, living organisms. Caloric restriction cr consists of the chronic reduction of total calorie intake without malnutrition. Jan 28, 2016 the use of cultured human pluripotent stem cells pscs to model human diseases has revolutionized the ways in which we study monogenic, multigenic and epigenetic disorders, by overcoming some of. Combining this with recent advances in genome editing techniques such as the.

The argument has been made that as oa is a heterogenous disease in humans, no single animal model should be expected to be relevant for studying all aspects of the disease process. The incidence of obstetric complications in patients with endometriosis, achieving pregnancy spontaneously or through art, is controversial. The impact factor and other journal and articlelevel metrics are more than respectable. These data suggest that the mechanism of disease in sbma saturates at close to endogenous hormone levels and that individuals with sbma who take, or have taken, testosterone for its putative. Stem cells translational medicine works to advance the clinical utilization of stem cell molecular and cellular biology. Mar 16, 2017 the advent of humaninduced pluripotent stem cell hipsc technology has provided a unique opportunity to establish cellular models of disease from individual patients, and to study the effects of the underlying genetic aberrations upon multiple different cell types, many of which would not normally be accessible. For much of the 20th century, theories of addictive behaviour and motivation were polarized between two models. The impact factor of a journal is evaluated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years.

Although the clinical role of exercise on improving the motor symptoms of pd is quite evident, whether exercise prevents neuronal loss is not confirmed, and the cellular mechanisms underlying the benefit of exercise on pd has not been clearly investigated in human pd patients or in chronic animal disease models. Ageing is the main risk factor for most neurodegenerative diseases, including alzheimer disease ad and parkinson disease pd. Ageing as a risk factor for neurodegenerative disease. Minihane skip to main content accessibility help we use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Aging confers an increased risk for developing seizure activity, especially within brain regions that mediate learning and synaptic plasticity. They regulate diverse biological processes both during development and throughout adult life. Deciphering the effect of food availability, growth and host. Stem cells translational medicine wiley online library. The first model viewed addiction as a moral failure for which addicts are rightly held responsible and judged accordingly. One of the nine topical journals of bba molecular basis of. Journal impact factor 2015 impact factor list 2015 2014.

Disease models and mechanisms rg journal impact rankings. Several studies in humans and animal models have identified a. Caloric restriction mimetics against ageassociated disease. As part of this, dmm posts accepted author manuscripts. Submission also indicates that authors agree to abide by dmms publishing policies, including the declaration of any competing interests to the journal upon submission of a manuscript. The total number of display items figures, tables and boxes must not exceed eight 8. This journal covers aspects of aging, cancer, metabolic. This study clarifies how food resources have an impact on susceptibility to disease and indicates how the hosts physiological condition could mitigate epidemics. Caveolins are a family of membranebound scaffolding proteins that compartmentalize and negatively regulate signal transduction. Disease models special sections are a onestop resource on in vitro, in vivo and in silico italicized models of human disease with an emphasis on etiology, pathogenesis and molecular mechanisms.

This value is calculated using researchgate data and is based on average citation counts from work published in this journal. Coronary microvascular disease cmd refers to the subset of disorders affecting the structure and function of the coronary microcirculation, is prevalent in patients across a broad spectrum of cardiovascular risk factors, and is associated with an increased risk of adverse events. The ultimate goal of most biomedical research is to gain greater insight into mechanisms of human disease or to develop new and improved therapies or diagnostics. Loss of cav1 expression in cancerassociated fibroblasts results in an activated tumor microenvironment, thereby driving early tumor recurrence, metastasis. Pluripotent stem cells in disease modelling and drug. Although great advances have been made in terms of developing disease models in animals, such as transgenic mice, many of these models fail to faithfully recapitulate the human condition. Food availability acts both as an enabling factor for mortality by increasing oyster growth and as a limiting factor by increasing their energy reserves. Rheumatoid arthritis ra, a common autoimmune disease, is characterized by a highly coordinated inflammatory response that involves innate and adaptive immunity. Transcription factor nuclear factorerythroid 2related factor nrf2 serves as an endogenous regulator by which cells combat oxidative stress. By bridging stem cell research and helping speed translations of emerging lab discoveries into clinical trials, stem cells translational medicine will help move applications of these critical investigations closer to accepted best practices and ultimately improve patient.

Diseases impact factoromics internationalancient diseases. Contemporary evidence supports that most patients with cmd also have macrovessel atherosclerosis, which has. One of the hallmarks of ra is an immune response directed at citrullinated peptides that are specifically targeted by anticitrullinated protein antibodies acpas. Advances in genomics and nextgeneration sequencing have provided clinical researchers with unprecedented opportunities to understand the molecular basis of human genetic disorders. Another factor that is important to our authors is speed from acceptance to publication. During the submission process, authors are asked to declare that the manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors.

Coronary microvascular disease pathogenic mechanisms and. New forms of damage and repair have been identified in the vestibular sensory epithelium using a rat model of chronic ototoxicity and recovery that causes reversible vestibular dysfunction. Recent studies have implicated a loss of caveolin1 cav1 expression in the pathogenesis of human cancers. Longterm cognitive impairment after acute respiratory. Additionally, these disease models are able to elucidate the mechanisms of action by studying the initial development and pathological progression, as well as predicting patient treatment responses, which can pave the way for personalised regenerative medicine using the patients own cells. Bba molecular basis of disease addresses the biochemistry and molecular genetics of disease processes and models of human disease. Disease is an abnormal condition of an organism that will exhibit specific symptoms and affects regular metabolism. Mouse models that recapitulate aspects of the pathogenesis in humans are an important tool for investigating such mechanisms in vivo and have been in use for many years. Among the various mechanisms by which neutrophils may promote immune.

Download formatted paper in docx and latex formats. The second model, in contrast, viewed addiction as a specific brain disease caused by neurobiological adaptations occurring in response to chronic drug or. The data used in the calculation may not be exhaustive. Frontiers alternative models of addiction psychiatry. Using unbiased discovery approaches for identifying novel mechanisms modulating. A myriad of complementary, and increasingly sophisticated, experimental approaches can now be used across the research pipeline, from simple reductionist models devised to delineate molecular and cellular mechanisms, to complex animal models required for preclinical testing of new therapeutic approaches. Preclinical human ibd mechanisms is part of five focus areas of the challenges in ibd research document, which also include environmental triggers, 1 novel technologies, 2 precision medicine 3 and pragmatic clinical research. Impact factor abstracting and indexing editorial board guide for authors p. Preventing and reversing the cytokine storm may be the key to save the patients with severe covid19 pneumonia. Endometriosis is a benign, chronic, inflammatory disease that affects 10% of reproductive age women and up to 50% of women with infertility burney and giudice, 2012. This abundance of information places new requirements on traditional disease models, which have the potential to be used to confirm newly identified pathogenic mutations and test the efficacy of emerging therapies. A total of 175 journals in biomed centrals publishing portfolio now have impact iactors in the recently published journal citation report 2015, of which 104 journals rank in the top half of their categories.

1177 664 937 130 636 533 1055 948 231 842 406 68 690 321 454 420 1244 679 261 623 23 1367 1390 1247 333 547 652 468 1372 548 73 981 436 628 354 319 1134 625 950 416 960 595 1223 763 1430 1209 1361 1130